EC Archives: TWO-FISTED TALES, Vol. 1 [HC]


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Foreword by Stephen Geppi!

Writer/artist/editor Harvey Kurtzman teamed with legendary artists Wally Wood, Johnny Craig, Jack Davis, Al Feldstein, John Severin, and others to create these powerful stories of struggle and humanity that are considered to be among the best war stories ever told. Now, Dark Horse Books is proud to present this first incredible volume, collecting Two-FistedTales #18–#23.


Writer: Harvey Kurtzman, Al Feldstein, Wally Wood, John Severin, Johnny Craig, Jerry De Fuccio, Jack Davis, Alex Toth

Artist: Harvey Kurtzman, Al Feldstein, Wally Wood, John Severin, Johnny Craig, Jack Davis

Cover Artist: Harvey Kurtzman

Genre: Action/Adventure

Publication Date: September 09, 2015

Format: FC, 216 pages; HC, 8” x 11”

Full Retail Price: $49.99

Age range: 14

ISBN-10: 1-61655-823-7