Gasoline Alley: The Complete Sundays, Vol. 1


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The first in a series that will collect all the Sunday pages of the classic newspaper strip, in chronological order!
While the daily pages focused on a continuing narrative, creator Frank King reserved the Gasoline Alley Sunday strips for wonderful, inventive interludes in which Walt Wallet, and his adopted foundling son Skeezix, reflected upon the lessons of life and the beauty of nature. Reprinted in full color, using the King family’s collection of proofs, this giant-sized volume collects every Gasoline Alley Sunday strip from 1920 through 1922. Gasoline Alley is one of the greatest comic strips of all time, right up there with PEANUTS, L’LL ABNER, and DICK TRACY.

Series: Gasoline Alley
Writer: Frank King
Artist: Frank King
Cover Artist: Frank King
Hardcover: Full Color, 128 pages
Publisher: Dark Horse Books (March 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1616553340
ISBN-13: 978-1616553340
Book Dimensions: 12.125” x 1 x 16.125” x 0.75”
Shipping Weight: 4.8 pounds

Additional information

Weight 64 oz
Dimensions 17 × 13 × 1.5 in